(Vegetables Soup)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Onion, Salt, Pepper
Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Onion, Salt, Pepper
1.まず、水(みず)を 湯(ゆ)に します。
First, boil the water.
First, boil the water.
2.そのとき、キャベツと にんじんは 一切(ひとき)れに 切(き)ったり、トマトと オニオンは 四分(よんふん)一切(ひとき)ります。
In the meanwhile, cut the cabbage and carrot into small pices, and cut the tomato and onion into four.
In the meanwhile, cut the cabbage and carrot into small pices, and cut the tomato and onion into four.
3.そして、 全部(ぜんぶ(で)、お湯(ゆ)中(なか)に 入(い)れます。三十分(さんじゅうふん)ゆてます。
Next, Put all of it into the boiled water. Boil it for around 30 mins.(If you want it to be more tasty, boil it for longer time.)
Next, Put all of it into the boiled water. Boil it for around 30 mins.(If you want it to be more tasty, boil it for longer time.)
4.塩(しお)と 胡椒(こしょう)も いれます。
Lastly, put in adequate amount of salt and pepper.
Lastly, put in adequate amount of salt and pepper.
*もし 鶏肉(とりにく)または 豚肉(ぶたにく)または 魚肉(ぎょにく)が あったら、野菜 スープの 中(なか)に 入(い)れても いいですよ。肉(にく)を 入(い)れると この 野菜 スープは 甘(あま)く なりました。
* If you got chicken or pork or fish meat, you may add it into the vege soup too. The soup will be more sweet when you add in meat.
* If you got chicken or pork or fish meat, you may add it into the vege soup too. The soup will be more sweet when you add in meat.
ABC soup.. One of my favorite hehe ^^